Interview with Vito Acconci | The Plan
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Interview with Vito Acconci

Vito Acconci

Interview with Vito Acconci
By Alessandra Orlandoni -

Artist and Architect. Vito Acconci graduated from Holy Cross College and the Writers’ Workshop, University of Iowa. In the mid 60s, Acconci began exploring the possibilities of language as a system of signs able to meld the visual arts with live performance. In the 80s, feeling the need to get involved in the public arena, Acconci abandoned the art gallery world. In 1988, he founded the Acconci Studio, a think-tank geared to architecture. Today, Acconci is concerned with democratic architecture where horizons are continuously extended and the individual encouraged to take charge of how space is used and experienced. Vito Acconci has authored many conceptual proposals. Projects realised or in the process of being built include the Performing Art Center Plaza, Memphis, USA; Mur Island, Graz, Austria; W 8th Street Subway Station Façade, Coney Island, NYC, USA; the former Dropsa façade, Milan, Italy.

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